Sunday, February 08, 2009

The 840

The new road, the connector, the 840, whatever you want to call it, it makes my life much easier. A few years back, the Utica area finally got a connecting highway, quite like the 690 around the Schenectady area. Get on, go fast, shoot out in another area of the city. Yesterday, after I got home from an intervention at my parents house ( a whole different post......later), I had to grab lunch, all 3 kids, drop Miranda off in CLark Mills for dance, hop on the 840, shoot off to Vally Gym in NH for a birthday party, drop that kid off, back on the 840 to retrieve daughter number one, we then had to hit a store for some errands, back on the 840, pick up middle daughter from party, and over to Washington Mills for gas, car wash, and dinner pick up at Piggy Pats ( what? You think I am cooking after the week I have had......whole different post. Week from Hell. God Bless Piggy's! Long live the Pig). I finally arrived at home at 5:30. I was just thinking how funny it is that my car is a "Cross Country" Wagon. That pretty much describes most of my weekends.

I do thank the 840, without which I would have gone crazy yesterday.

1 comment:

moi aussi said...

Holy crap you had a lousy week! And i bet i know it all had to do with your mom and dad. i'm really sorry you are going through this. i hope you got some things solved. :(
