Sunday, January 04, 2009


Having fun in 2009 means keeping current on my tunes and being able to groove to my MP3 player. Charged her up tonight, grabbed the dog, and despite the fact that the mercury said 10 degrees, headed out into the northern NY night. The moon was a half cresent, many homes still a glow with their christmas lights, the air brisk. Daisy was excited to be out in the snow, plowing through with her nose and whiskers. I was excited to finally have time to myself, to smell the air, walk in the crispness, and listen to my music. No matter what the day delievered, an evening outing such as this puts me in a good mood.
When I got home, I decided my tunes were stale, so I headed out to my friend JP's site to see ( hear) what was new, followed a link to some DJ's site, and had to have what he was offering! OH baby, it was love. LOVE. Why is it gay men have the best taste in music? Please don't think I am stereotyping, it just so happens that the men I know that are gay listen to really great tunes, and the straight men I know are stuck in 80's rock, or country. I got a mix of the new Beyonce song that I love. Made me very happy. I really need to go to bed, as I head back to work tomorrow, but I can't stop listening to this mix. " If you liked it you should have put a ring on it, oh oh oh........"

1 comment:

moi aussi said...

Love that new skin girl. I really need to fix my computer, I can't download!