Sunday, May 21, 2006

60 and Done!!

I finished up my last master's level class that I have to take. This completed my 60 credit hours, and did so with an overall 3.9. Smart, I know. I can continue to take classes to advance my pay level, but I don't have to take anymore. Ever. However, somewhere lurkingin the back of my mind is this really great research idea I have for an Ph. D. I am sure that amount of communication, pictures, images, etc.....children are exposed to since birth has something to do with the amount of kids that have ADHD, ADD, or just plain can't pay attention in school. Our teachers have to constantly keep things in motion in the classrooms to keep up with the inexistant attention spans. I have so many kids that have 504's for ADHD I have lost track of the number. I believe it's all related. I would love to do either a correlation or a longitudal study of this. But, I don't have to.

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