Thursday, April 06, 2006


I purchased the new Jergins Natural Glow lotion. I have been intrigued that for 6 bucks you can moisturize your skin and look tan at the same time. As the original "whiter than white" girl, this seemed like a dream come true. I want to look tan, and I have gone tanning before to do so, but the whole cooking your skin part scares me. Not to leave out the fact that the more sun I get, the more freckles I get.
I am on my third day of this lotion and as the package says, I am starting to get that "sun kissed" look. I would actually say that I look a smidge darker. I look like I have been at the pool all day. The lotion has a nice, kind of tropical smell. If you have ever gone tanning and used the creams there, it smells like that, so I am tricking myself into believing that I have gone tanning. I am wearing a white jacket tomorrow and I just put it on to see how it looks. I do really look a little tan and the white off sets it nice.
So I will continue with my experiment. I am supposed to reach optimal color after using the product for 7 days. If it keeps going as planned, this is the last lotion I ever use. It was inexpensive, and as a bonus, it has a little shimmer in it. I like shimmer. Shimmer is fun, and very girly. Girly is good.

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