Saturday, April 23, 2005

Just Sit on the Porch and Swing

Even my beloved B-52's were hip enough to know the virtues of the porch swing, as they sang about it in "Deadbeat Club". My grandparents had one on their front porch, as did my own parents. I am now the happy owner of one! It is being assembled, not by a Chinamen, but by my husband as we speak.
We had a yard swing we bought when Miranda was a baby. It survived 2 moves and almost 7 years before being shredded and used as insulation for the squirrels. It was canvas, and last fall the evil squirrels that overrun our city somehow figured my swing was stuffed with fiberfill and fiberfill would make lovely insulation for their nest. They shred it open and made off with the stuffing. We saw bits of my swing and the stuffing high in the tree next to my house. Even today, you can look up and see a fine canvas lined squirrel nest. Bastards. I loved that swing. It was big, deep, had a canapoy to keep the sun out, and my whole family could fit in in. Many summer days and evenings were spent contemplating life on that swing. Many great library books were read on it as Miranda played in the yard or swam in the pool.
So, as we were taking the swing apart this spring, my cousin suggested using the frame to hang a wooden porch swing on. Hello! Why didn't I think of that. The frame is perfect! I went to Lou's Bargain Outlet ( the home improvement store formally known as Grossman's, and BTW, who is Lou anyways?) I got one for 70.00, which was a gamble because it wasn't on display and I didn't know how well made it would be. Surprise, surprise! It's made of teakwood, wonderfully made, solid, and looks very nice. Imagine how cute it will look with little pillows and cushions in my back yard? I can't wait!
And somehow, Brian is assembling it without a cross word. He is so patient. He does have 2 little helpers. How could you go wrong? I am going to grab a lemonade and contemplate life again. All is right in the world.

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